Death From Above – A High Mana Dragon Flying Attack
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If there was doubt about which Splinterlands splinter has the best flying team, this should post should put an end to it. Not only does the Dragon splinter have multiple quality options for the earthquake ruleset, but you also have the freedom to choose the best options from another splinter as well.
This battle was a high mana battle of 55 with an earthquake and knockout rule set. This offered me the ability to play a full-flying team with no restrictions in regard to mana. I was on a Dragon focus and had three of the cards rented from the market, Diamond Dragon, Black Dragon, and Dragon Jumper. I also pulled from my deck two giants, Uriel the Purifier for 11 mana, and Chaos Dragon for 14 mana. The team filled out with a strong Adelade Brightwing with 2 magic damage for the final 7 mana.
It is clear that the Draon splinter has the best options for earthquake rule sets. But white is a close second. It has two low mana options with Celestial Harpie and the Pelacore Conjurer for a cheap tank. Luminous Eagle works well and has reach for a second position melee attack.
My opponent (likely a bot), countered with a very strong magic team led by the summoner Alric Strombringer for a bonus +1 magic attack. His strategy looked promising to start as he was able to dispatch my lead tank, Uriel, pretty easily. He even gets through my Chaos Dragon soon after that. But in the end, his lack of any flying monsters was his undoing and his team is decimated by the earthquake damage.
Paying attention to the rule set is always the first priority of Splinterlands. Adjusting to game conditions is the best way to stay ahead of your opponents and is why Splinterlands bots will always be at a disadvantage.
I am a professional gamer and NFT collector. Besides actively playing Splinterlands, I am a Poker pro and coach live poker players to increase their win rates at the poker table. Follow me on Twitter for my latest NFT gaming advice or check out my Daily Picks Blog for my professional sports handicapping advice.